Project 55

A new apriori project - working notes

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Note: For clarity I divide morphemes in the samples with a full stop (.).

Things to do:
1) Phonology! ATR harmony: ы - и - у - э / ӹ - ӭ - о - а. In practice I would think about four vowel archiphonemes /i\/, /i/, /u/ and /a/ plus a high/low marker.
3) Phonology: description of some sounds; possible clusters.

The design goal

The goal of the current project is to create a personal artlang that would:
(1) please my phonoesthetics (no "cellar doors"!);
(2) resemble certain natlang groups that I find attractive both in phonology and morphosyntax, such as Turkic, Tungusic, Chukchee-Kamchatkan, Algonkian, Permian etc.


Alphabet: not complete

А [a] Б [b] В [w] Г [ɡ] Ҕ [ɢ] Ғ [ɦ]
Д [d] Е [jɛ] Ё [jo] Ж [ʒ] З [z] И [i]
Й [j] К [k] Ӄ [q͡χ] Л [ɫ] М [m] Н [n]
Ӈ [ŋ] О [o] П [p] Р [ɾ] С [s] Т [t]
У [u] Ф [f] Х [χ] Ц [ʦ] Ч [ʨ] Ш [ʃ]
Щ [ɕ] Ы [ɘ] Э [ɛ] Ю [ju] Я [ja]

Characters Ъ and Ь are used as in Russian. Characters Ӹ and Ӭ are not a part of the standard spelling and are used only in dictionaries and teaching materials to denote low VHT roots.

Spelling of the "soft" consonants: to be explained.




Objects constituing natural pairs, show traces of old dual form with suffix -(ы)т in Nom. case: пилу.т 'ears'. In other cases they decline according to the singular pattern. They also agree with singular verb forms. To denote one object of the pair, a special singulative form with suffix -(ы)лвэн/лван is used: лыӈг.ылвэн - 'one leg'.

Plural is formed by means of the suffix -рит/рэт.


The following cases are attested in P55: Nominative, Possessive, Relative, Dative, Locative, Ablative and Instrumental.

Possessive: -ин/-эн (after consonants), -нин/-нэн (after vowels), -лин/-лэн (in n-declension), -ғин/-ғэн (some nouns, usu. having -н- in the last syllable, e.g. ана - анағэн).

Relative: -кин/-кэн.

Dative: -э/-а (after consonants), -тэ/-та (after vowels).

Locative: -(ы)м.

Ablative: -(ы)мни/-(ы)мнэ.

Instrumental: -(ы)мчэ/-(ы)мча.

Examples of declension

Nom. #
Poss. #
Rel. #
Dat. #
Loc. #
Abl. #
Instr. #

Usage of cases: to be explained.


Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns in Nom. are used for emphatic purposes.

1sn 2sn 3sn 1pl.excl
Nom. ни ги ви ти
Poss. нэһин гэнин вэнин тэнин
Rel. нэкин гэкин вэкин тэкин
Dat. н? г? в? т?
Loc. н? г? в? т?
Abl. нимни гимни вимни тимни
Ins. нимчэ гимчэ вимчэ тимчэ
1pl.incl 2pl 3pl
Nom. мэттэй гэттэй риттэй
Poss. мэттин гэттин риттин
Rel. мэттыкин гэттыкин риттыкин
Dat. мэттэ? гэттэ? риттэ?
Loc. мэттым гэттым риттым
Abl. мэттымни гэттымни риттымни
Instr. мэттымчэ гэттымчэ риттымчэ

Interrogative pronouns

Who? - щи; what? - сӹр.

Nom. щи сыр
Poss. сэнин сырэн
Rel. сэкин сыркэн
Dat. # #
Loc. # #
Abl. # #
Instr. щимчэ #

Demonstrative pronouns

Used only attributively: идь - this; тӭдь - that; хадь - yonder.
To use independently, they should combine with the old stem -нэр/-нар "thing": инэр, тэнар, ханар.


n times: -суӈ/-соӈ


Infinitive - suffix .

Supine - suffix -ктэ/-кта: вилэ.ктэ 'in order to find'.


The copula (defective verb) са is used in a sentence with noun in Nom. and Rel. as a predicate: EXAMPLES!

Non-marked form

Usually denotes resultative aspect for terminative verbs, and progressive aspect for durative verbs: ны.вилэ - I have found, ны.нята - I am lying.

1pl.excl. ты.вилэ | 1pl.excl. ты.нята
1sn ны.вилэ 1pl.incl. ны.нтэ.вилэ | 1sn ны.нята 1pl.incl. ны.нта.нята
2sn гы.вилэ 2pl гы.нтэ.вилэ | 2sn гы.нята 2pl гы.нта.нята
3sn.ref и.вилэ 3pl.ref и.нтэ.вилэ | 3sn.ref э.нята 3pl.ref э.нта.нята
3sn вилэ 3pl вилэ.рит | 3sn нята 3pl нята.рэт

Notes: 1. Verbs with the stem ending in usually lose it in prefixed forms: чатыны.чат 'I am trading'.
2. Monosyllabic verbs add extension suffix -ю/-ё in prefixless forms: э.но 'he has gone' - но.ё 'has gone'.

Referential 3rd person means that the subject of the sentence is mentioned previously (rough equivalent to personal pronoun "he/she/it").

Progressive aspect

Terminative verbs may form progressive aspect by means of the suffix -тыӈ(и/э): ны.ӄана.тыӈ 'I am doing'.

Resultative aspect

Durative verbs may form resultative aspect by means of the suffix -псэ/-пса: и.гирщэ.псэ 'he has written'.
After stems ending in -пV the suffix becomes -мсэ/-мса.

Attributive form - suffix , may be added to any aspect: вилэ.н 'found'; precedes the noun: турэ.н хэсэ - 'a/the new language'.

Adverbial form - suffix , may be added to any aspect: вилэ.в 'having found', мэлэ.в 'well'. Plays the role of a converb.

Dative verbs

Dative verbs are characterized by the suffix , demand subject in Dat. case and agree in person and number both with the subject and the object: и.лытэ.й.гэ 'it is seen to you' (=you see it), э.нта.поӈа.й.на 'they are heard to me' (=I hear them).

Many modal verbs follow the same pattern: вэна.к фа.й.на 'I need to work'.

Conjugation of the dative verbs for

1pl.excl. и.лытэ.й.тэ | 1pl.excl. э.поӈа.й.та
1sn и.лытэ.й.нэ 1pl.incl. и.лытэ.й.мэт | 1sn э.поӈа.й.на 1pl.incl. э.поӈа.й.мат
2sn и.лытэ.й.гэ 2pl и.лытэ.й.гэт | 2sn э.поӈа.й.га 2pl э.поӈа.й.гат
3sn.ref и.лытэ.й.вэ 3pl.ref и.лытэ.й.рит | 3sn.ref э.поӈа.й.ва 3pl.ref э.поӈа.й.рэт
3sn и.лытэ.й 3pl и.лытэ.й.рит | 3sn э.поӈа.й 3pl э.поӈа.й.рэт

Objective conjugation

Transitive verbs have special forms of "objective conjugation", usu. characterized with suffix -ть, that denote definiteness of the direct object: э.ӄана.ть 'he has done it'.


With Locative case:

Word formation

-ски-/-скэ- - "to become": ны.ски.мэйгэ 'I became small', ны.скэ.вак (?) 'I became (to be)'.

- "V > abstr.N" (non-productive): юмэ.т - life


хоя.т - human being, person; ата - father; ана - mother; исквэ.н - woman; нэвк - girl; кӭл - young man; нэнэ - baby

топ - head; нэхэ.т - eyes; пилу.т - ears; хэсэ - tongue, language; палг.ыт - hands, arms (not palms); лыӈг.ыт - legs, feet (not soles); дин - heart

пэлла.н - the Sun; вэрхэ.н - the Moon

гилх - morning; лун - day; сон - evening; рат - night

сӭрт - light, radiance

мыс - water; гал - stone; товҕа.н - fire; цых - smoke

(?) - sea;
лэвт - mountain; вэлщ - forest, woods

хырки.н (?) - iron

таёл - fox; ӄайгы.н - bear; гытты.н - dog; мулх - fish

гара.н - house; кут - village; нёлх - road

дэрэ - table (furniture); вала - knife; пана - oar

хыч - bread, bakery; щил (?) - butter

кунэ - guest

вилэ - has found; ӄана - has done, has made; вэты - has come; но.ё - has gone; пэля - has left (=put+remmain behind); нюртэ - has helped

вакы - exist; юмэ - is alive
вэна - is working; чаты - is trading;
нята - is lying (horizontally); сылэ - is standing
гирщэ - is writing; талдя - is reading;
минэ - is walking (going to and fro); паҕны (?) - is shining

лытэ.й - is seen to him; поӈа.й - is heard to him

фа.й - he needs/must; ра.й - he may; русу.й - he wants

турэ - new;
тэҕны - young || хурпэ - old
гирэ - big || мэйгэ - small;
ваща - early
дэхэ - nice; мэлэ - good; хурэ - long (in space)

нитэ - white; пылхэ - red; сэвҕэ - black

игэр - today

сур - very

© 2006, Yitzik

Project initiated on February 13, 2006.
Last modified on September 01, 2006.

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